- 息切れ shortness of breath
- 冠状動脈肥大 massive coronary
- 凝血 blood clot
- 狭心症 angina pectoris
- 血圧 blood pressure
- 血管 blood vessel
- 血しょう板 blood plasma
- 血清 serum
- 血栓症 thrombosis
- 血友病 hemophilia
- 高血圧 high blood pressure
- 出血 bleeding, hemorrhage
- 静脈 vein
- 心筋梗塞 heart attack, myocardial infarction
- 白血球 white blood cells
- 白血病 leukemia
- 貧血 anemia
- 不整脈 irregular pulse
- ペースメーカー pacemaker
- ヘモグロビン hemoglobin
- 脈が少ない slow pulse
- 脈が速い rapid pulse
- 脈が乱れる irregular pulse
- リンパ節 lymph node
- リンパ腺 lymph gland
- RH因子 RH factor
- 心室 ventricle
- 心臓 heart
- 心雑音 heart murmur
- 心臓切開手術 open-heart surgery
- 心臓停止 heart failure
- 心臓病 heart disease, cardiopathy
- 心臓麻痺 cardioplegia
- 心弁不全 valvular insufficiency
- 心房 atrium
- 赤血球 red blood cells
- 低血圧 low blood pressure
- 動悸 palpitation
- 動脈 artery
- 動脈硬化症 hardening of the arteries
- 痛みを伴う放尿 painful urination
- 結石 stone(s) calculus
- 血尿 bloody urine
- 血尿 (症)hematuria
- 失禁 urinary incontinence
- 腎炎 nephritis
- 腎臓 kidney
- 腎臓結石 kidney stone(s)
- 腎臓障害 kidney infection
- 前立腺肥大 enlarged prostate
- 蛋白尿 albuminuria
- 透析 dialysis
- 尿量が少な過ぎる too little urine
- ネフローゼ、腎臓症 nephrosis
- 膿尿 pus in the urine
- 泌尿器 urinary organs
- 泌尿器科 urology
- 泌尿器疾患 urinary disease
- 頻尿 frequent urination
- 副腎 adrenal gland
- ぼうこうvbladder
- ぼうこう炎 cystitis
- 利尿剤 diuretic
- 糖尿 glucosuria, sugar in the urine
- 導尿管、カテーテル catheter
- 導尿する catheterize
- 濁った尿 cloudy urine
- 尿 urine
- 尿が出にくいこと difficulty of urination
- 尿管 ureter
- 尿道 urethra
- 尿道炎 urethritis
- 尿毒症 uremia
- 尿量が多過ぎる too much urine
- 陰茎 penis
- 陰のう scrotum
- インポテンツ impotence
- こう丸 testicles
- こう丸の腫れ swelling of the testicles
- 精液 semen
- 前立腺 prostate
- 早漏 premature ejaculation
- 梅毒 syphilis
- ヘルペス herpes
- 包茎 phimosis
- 淋病 gonorrhea
- 性交 intercourse
- 生殖器 genital organ, sexual organ reproductive organ
- 性病 venereal disease (V. D.) sexually transmitted disease (STD)
253 1st Ave. (bet. 14th & 15th Sts.)
Tel: 212-254-1454
320 5th Ave. (bet. 32nd & 33rd Sts.)Tel: 212-279-2856 222 E. 34th St. (bet. 2nd & 3rd Aves.)
Tel: 212-532-2354 272 8th Ave. (bet. 23rd & 24th Sts.)
Tel: 212-255-2592 630 Lexington Ave. (bet. 53rd & 54th Sts.)
Tel: 917-369-8688 150 E. 42nd St. (bet. 3rd & Lexington Aves.)
Tel: 212-661-8139 1396 2nd Ave. (bet. 72th & 73th Sts.)
Tel: 212-249-5699 341 9th St., Brooklyn
Tel: 718-499-3414
デュアン・リード (DUANE READE)
2522 Broadway (at 94th St.)
Tel: 212-663-1580
155 E. 34th St. (bet. 3rd & Lexington Aves.)Tel: 212-683-3042 250 W. 57th St. (bet Broadway & 8th Ave.)
Tel: 212-265-2101 1 Union Square S. (bet. 4th Ave. & Broadway)
Tel: 212-358-8206
ライト・エイド (RITE AID)
550 2nd Ave. (at 30th St.)
Tel: 212-213-9887
408 Grand St. (near Clinton St.)Tel: 212-529-7115 301 W. 50th St. (cor. of 8th Ave.)
Tel: 212-247-8384 210-20 Amsterdam Ave. (bet. 69th & 70th Sts.)
Tel: 212-787-2903 1535 2nd Ave. (cor. of 80th St.)
Tel: 212-327-4757 249 7th Ave., Brooklyn
Tel: 718-768-9567
145 4th Ave. (bet. 13th & 14th Sts.)
Tel: 212-677-0214
401 E. 86th St. (bet. York & 1st Aves.)Tel: 917-492-8801 350 5th Ave. (bet. 33rd & 34th Sts.)
Tel: 212-868-5790 1471 Broadway (bet. 42nd & 43rd Sts.)
Tel: 212-302-0552 47-07 Broadway, Astoria
Tel: 718-726-0801 250 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn
Tel: 718-384-7026